Friday, April 10, 2009

No, but really

So a quick work/life/etc update for the millions who want to know. (More like jillions I am sure.)

Stocks: pretty good actually

School: scored an A for the fall term. Funny how I had As before and after Louisiana...

Suit: After a prof told me that JackDa didn't like my schnoz I filed some papers asking for all their emails- including ones which I saved on my server. Funny how they told the court that the emails don't exist when i saved them. Court date at the end of the month. Should be fun. ("Mrs. L, you wrote that no emails exist between us. Would you please look at these 18 emails?")

Work: What the hell is that? No in seriousness, I am doing some editing stuff and co wrote some linguistics stuff for a prof here in NY.

Passover: excellent. Got home at 3 aM stuffed with some delicious apple thingies. (I am quite Kosher nu?)

Travels: The University of Iowa accepted the paper I wrote for JackDa as a poster (all failing papers get that treatment ya know) and paid for my flight so I'll be in Iowa City for three days, starting Thursday. Never been to Iowa City and I think its time.

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